Pumpkin Dragons are a small species that are well equipped defenders. While they are not big, they can use their energy to dampen negative energy. They are not fighters, but instead use their small size to their advantage in order to keep foes at bay. They are however small cuddle bugs with those they keep close to them. Defending their home- astrally or physically- they make wonderful energy dampeners. The dampening of negative energy actually cleanses that energy and makes it useless to the negative being to use against you and your spirit family.
Pumpkin Dragon tend to help with...
- Negative energy
- Energy boosts
- Emotional support
- Alerting to a negative being
Pumpkin Dragons communication ...
- Energy pings
- Emojis
- Images
- Small speech (yes I can, oh thank you, and so on)
Photos are for representation purposes only and are not owned by Candiislittlemeta unless stated otherwise.