May the year bring you many blessings!

Plusle & Minun Energy Diffuser Servitors

Plusle & Minun Energy Diffuser Servitors

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This a a duel pair of servitors that work hand in hand with each other. Their goal is to keep your space full of positive energy, Plusle and rid it of negative energy, Minun. When Plusle's cheeks light up, they are spreading positive energy around your space and making sure that it is well kept. While, when Minun's cheeks light up they are defusing the negative energy that is around you and your space. Plusle and Munin will stand at only about a foot tall and are linked together, never being without the other.

Plusle and Minun are servitors, which means they have only a few directives and perform their directives to the fullest. They will need to be recharged to continue to work properly. Unlike thoughtforms, made by us, they will be "less" intellectual and tend to communicate only when it is very important. You will need to give your servitors a name, if a name is not provided they will be called Plusle and Munin 

Plusle and Munin will appear genderless and will answer to whatever pronouns are used towards them. 


Communication includes

  • Energy pings
  • Repeating their name (ex. Plusle Plusle Plusle!)
  • And minor speech (ex. Helping, fixing, etc)

Plusle and Munin best help with

  • Defusing energy to keep the space safe and relaxing
  • Positive and negative energy monitoring 
  • Alerting to changes in energy
  • Helping to rid unwanted negative energy