Jellyfish Fae Familiars
Jellyfish Fae familars are wonderful companions looking to help with whatever they can. They are able to help with Astral projection as they are able to manipulate the energy around them to calm and zen like quality. Allowing for the struggling companion to travel or project. They are loyal to their companion, seeing them as an extention of their bloom.
Jellyfish Fae that we are looking at to be your familiar have no companion and wish to be companions.
Jellyfish Fae can help with...
- Astral Travel
- Energy fluxes
- Bring in positive energy
- Comfort
- Astral Projection
Jellyfish Fae familars communication is....
- Energy pings
- Taps
- Touches on arms, shoulder or head
- Visions
- Small words like "try this", "not right", "try again"
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