May the year bring you many blessings!

Cord Cutting Ritual

Cord Cutting Ritual

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Cord Cutting is a long time technique to have someone who is negative removed from your life. This takes the cord that bind us to that individual and cuts it, or removes it, from us. It is essential to spiritual and personal growth, to get rid of these negative influences. Cords can be made subconsciously or consciously but can be forgotten about until that individual impacts your life in a major way. Using witchcraft, Candii will cut the cord of the individual you request, or allow the Universe to remove them for you. This Cord Cutting will be done at night, when Candii; time of day she feels closest to. 

Your Cord Cutting will include...

  • A time lapsed video of the ritual
  • Still pictures of the ritual
  • Helpful tips for after the Cord Cutting

If you would like; completely optional, the remains of the cord cutting ritual sent to you with this add-on.