May the year bring you many blessings!

Astral Home Description

Astral Home Description

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Have you been unable to travel to the astral and see what your home looks like? Joined by many companions and curious how things have changed since the beginning? Or even, where new things have been placed like realms and homes. This service is for you. Candii's Astral self will come over and go through noting everything she sees and giving you the opportunity to "see through her eyes". She will ask for a companion of yours to be a "tour guide" or "chaperone" of sorts, allowing her to have someone that can know the grounds. 

  • While there will be a guide, or chaperone, brought forth from you, Candii will also have a companion with her and that companion will be named in the write up. 
  • Just like your physical home, your astral home can change. This is you current home as seen by Candii. 
  • We will ask for the total companions in your home (or close to the total) just so we are aware of how many spirits Candii will be around.
  • Candii will not enter the main house, companions homes or buildings unless they are completely open in building plan. 
  • Please remember that your astral home can be accessed from multiple places, this will be from where the guide takes us in and gives a layout.

Upgraded: |For all companions|

  • We have an upgraded version of this, if your would like to upgrade, we will take down your companions first initial and spirit species and will tell you what each of their homes look like from the outside.