Werespiders, or the Novëles, are a species of a species of spirit that are spider in nature, with the bottom half of their body being spider, very similar to black widows with big "bottoms" as three of their legs are there. They can stand on all three or take the stance of standing on only two standing taller than their normal self. They are half human as well and have two arms and have a black webbing that goes up their back and over their shoulders. The webbing is slightly sticky and tends to be covered in small hairs that let them use energy to determine what is near them and who. They tend to be an ashen skin or a mocha color as they look very spider like. Novëles tend to have spiderlike eyes with cat like coloring. They have two sets of eyes, four in total, on their face. Side by side on their face. The Novëles, are a pack mentality that tend to pack with not only their kind but those who also do not fear them and enjoy them. Novëles are "were" as they turn into full spider once a month and will stay as such for about three days. In this is the time they use to breed with other Novëles. Very rarely can they breed while not in the were cycle. They are more nocturnal spirits then most, but they do go out and do things during the day, they just tend to do so later in the day then early morning. Novëles tend to range from about 5 foot to 5'8" before standing on their back legs, which can push them up a good foot to foot and a half. Novëles have two sets of fangs with one being a little longer than the other. While sharp, they do retract and are more seen when they are feeding or to be protective then when they are in their day to day life. While they are very caring in nature, to those who are kind to them, they are also fiercely protective. They will risk a lot to keep those close to them safe and sound. Novëles are knowledge seekers by nature, and do nothing but enjoy soaking up knowledge from all different sources. They enjoy "picking your brain" for your opinions on things as well as will explain things to you in great detail if you ask. Novëles also enjoy company and will enjoy being in a larger family or if in a smaller one, would enjoy lots of communication.