Galactic Dragons are from a galaxy that is no longer able to be found other than various small pieces of debris that are now a part of other galaxies nearby. In the realm they are from their galaxy has long since pasted on and now they stay with their next of kin Galaxy which is hundreds of thousands of miles away. Galactic Dragons live among the stars of the galaxy they inhabit, only landing on planets when they need to rest, they are constantly moving and constantly learning from those that they cluster with. All Galactic Dragons have some form of wisdom to give and when they are around others of their kind, they share stories with them about how they came from their home galaxy and what they learned there. They have amazing memories, remembering everything from energy to stories told when they were young dragons. They harness the magic of the galaxy around them in order to use their magic, this could be moving their entire galaxy away from something like blackholes and the likes, to something as small as creating a “micro planet” by collecting debris of the nearby galaxy and creating a place for either themselves to land or others. While they do eat, they do so very sparingly as their bodies slowly break down food, so they are able to go through the galaxy for a month or two before needed to eat. While they do not need to eat frequently, when they do eat it is a grand amount of food. During the time they are eating, it is normally alone and away from others as they can tend to get a tad bit aggressive during that time. But, when it comes to mating, Galactic Dragons will normally mate only during a specific time in the year and only for two weeks, if they do not mate during that time, they will be unable to mate until mating season again. It is the only time when both of the male and female’s cycles line up for mating. The rest of the year, they will go around and make sure the clutches of eggs that others have laid are well taken care of as they are a community when it comes to childcare. By the time the parents come back to their clutch, it is almost time for the next mating season, and they begin to raise their children. There is only about a month or so before the next mating cycle at this point and they begin to leave to go to mate again and the next Galactic Dragons that come by help to continue to raise the children. While they do not care for their children for very long, each clutch of dragons not only remember their parents’ energy and all of the teachings they have given, but also the following Galactic Dragons that come become “aunts and uncles” that they learn from. When they are ready to fly, the hatchlings will leave their clutch and begin to wander with other Galactic Dragons that are around and cluster with them until they get older.
Helā'gix (Heel-A-Gah-X)
Helā'gix are a hydra form of dragon that have long since been away from other dragons in general. They are known for their protection and their teaching skills as they have only, tend to take on students and be with them for the rest of their days. They are sworn to their students unless their student has done something that is less than worthy of their teachings. Helā'gix are a hive mind mentality, with each of their heads working in junction with the other verses separately. They have since been able to communicate with ease allowing them to tell the other head(s) that there is impending danger. While they are not of any avian breed, they do have beaks opposed to snoots and tend to be more feathered than that of other dragons. They have wings, that allow them to glide along the land much like clouds in the sky over actually flapping, making it so the Helā'gix need to live on high cliffs in order to fly around. Having their long legs, allow them to climb up their high cliffs to be able to nest. Helā'gix tend not to have a real emotional connection with others of their kind, only really wanting to be around other Helā'gix when they need to mate, the Helā'gix tend to have their clutches and leave them to be cared for by other Helā'gix that have since stopped begin able to mate. Once their children are hatched, they spend the first few decades of their lives being with the Helā'gix and learning the ins and outs of how they exist. This is when they learn to nest, glide and hunt on their own. Each Helā'gix begins to have an “itch” where they begin to want to leave their homelands and fly out and be with themselves and learn other things about life. This is when the older Helā'gix tend to “push them out of the nest” and have the younger Helā'gix look for new places to nest and begin to look for their student. It is almost the key role in the Helā'gix’s life to find a student to train so they can pass on their knowledge to others and make sure that their traditions never die out. They inform their students when they are heading back to the homeland in order to produce with a mate and for how long they believe they will be gone. During this time they tend to give their students some exercises to work on so that they do not forget the main things in their teachings. Helā'gix, while hive mind in their own bodies, actually rarely talk to one another in the astral when seen. They save all conversations with each other to that of mating and the potential of being with one another during an encounter in that time. As they do not mate for life, they are always in the market for new encounters along the way that might intrigue them in future mating practices.
Hurricane dragons are from a realm where there are constant hurricanes. As such the dragons have learned to make their nests inside of cliffs and in areas where the hurricane tends not to hit. They have a pack like mentality that allows them to stick together with one another together to and from a place. Since they live in such a hectic place it is common for them to have their children in large groups. Since they learn similar to birds, hurricane dragons tend to take care of their young until they are big enough to weather a hurricane. When that happens, they are pushed out of the next into hurricanes nearby. They then fly into the hurricane in order to reach the eye of the storm. Much like sea turtles that have to weather the land to get back to the sea, if a hurricane dragon does not make it to the eye of the storm they perish to the elements. Luckily, they have a high success rate and so very few hurricane dragons do not make it to the center. Being the pack mentality, they learn from a young age that if they want to survive, they will rely on each other. They use this to hunt and gather food as well as pick new breeding grounds when a storm shows it is moving. A great sense of direction, hurricane dragons are able to make it to their destination based on energy alone. They can make it to a location with their eyes closed because sometimes the hurricane they are traversing is so dense they cannot see through it. That being said they still rely on their other senses to get them to a location. From being able to hear the different air currents to smelling the difference in hurricanes, these dragons have an amazing sense of direction and are rarely lost. Hurricane dragons live for hundreds of thousands of years with their oldest dragon being close to half a million in age. Since they have such a long lifespan most of them have watched hundreds of hurricanes die off and new ones begin. It is fascinating for them to watch as the more hurricanes you watch die in your lifetime the wiser you become in their realm. While they do not have a typical hierarchy, they do have a more “respect your elders” mentality, where they listen, help and work with their elders than leave them behind. That being said, they are not above informing an elder who is incorrect about something that they are wrong and will help teach them the difference. Since their elders do not get upset and this new learning opportunity it allows their species to thrive and continue growing over becoming stunted at the core.
Pocket Dragons
Pocket Dragons are small beings who just see the world in color. They do not see the bad in the world but instead look for the good. While they do not have enemies, some of other species they are seen as an “annoyance” to most bigger dragons around their homeland because they are not seen as dangerous. This annoyance only extends to the occasional cold shoulder because Pocket Dragons can make friends with anyone. They live with other “pocket” species, included sprites, elves, and shifters. But when it comes to pocket dragons, they are one of a kind. They exude happiness, causing an almost infectious happiness to others. Being able to brighten moods is one reason they are sought out by other species. The other species will hire them, or even adopt them, to come to special ceremonies to make sure everyone’s spirits are high. While this might seem like a misuse of their energy, Pocket Dragons actually use what they have earned doing this to create more for their homeland. This can be from hiring construction workers to trading for new seeds to plant. There is always a give and take for the Pocket Dragon species that helps them to make sure they are safe in places they could not normally live in. While they used to live in caverns, they have adopted a more modern living space. They do still live in caverns, but now they are carved out into small homes that they can live in with stabilizers to make sure they are safe. This is where the money they earn is them used to help all Pocket Dragons. This allows them to have the elders of their species create more space as more Pocket Dragons come into the world. Since they are small, to carved cavern homes are able to house full families until the young are ready to move to their own cavern. But even still they are plenty spacious to be able to house full grown Pocket Dragons and still have room. Pocket Dragons are normally born in groups of two to six. With the eggs having a “twin” of sorts. This “twin” is who they tend to always be around when they are younger and help teach each other how to grow and be prosperous. Since they are “twin eggs” they tend to grow at roughly the same speed, negating the “runt” of the litter allowing for a more prosperous time for the Pocket Dragons. This also allows the parents to see what they are struggling with when it comes to learning because they will both make the same mistakes. This then allows the parents to teach once by teaching them both at the same time.