Realms of all variety and for all different needs. All realms will include a write up with the following information.
- The concept behind the realm
- Flora
- Fauna
- Buildings
- Size Capacity
- Any, possible, NPCs that will help to take care of the realm (all NPCs take a humaniod form)
- A walk through your realm
All realms, from CLM, come with the following protections and more
- Tamper Proofing
- Protection from outside spirits
- Protection from parasites
- Ability to add your wards to it
- Warding installed for protection of the realm
- Only you, your companions, and who you allow in are allowed into the realm
Size Differences
- Small Realms; Better designed for no more than 15 spirits at a time
- Certain Small Realms will be better for smaller groups of 10 or less.
- Medium Realms; Better designed for larger spirit families of 16 to 35
- Large Realms; Better for Large spirit families of 36+
How to get into the realms
All realms, by CLM, are connected to your astral home
- Meditation
- There is a door or a pathway to enter from inside your astral home
- Dream/Lucid dreams